
VTE is the third most common cause of cardiovascular death, following acute coronary artery disease and stroke, and is responsible for more than 3 million deaths per year worldwide.

Thromboprophylaxis remains underused or misapplied with relatively low public- and provider-awareness given the high degree of public health burden & it is considered an unmet medical need.

There are many things doctors can do to help patients suffering from this disease.

That’s why our VTE Protocol Guidelines offer great support to physicians concerning the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options in an accessible easy-to-read format directing to better healthcare decisions.

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  Public awareness campaign link

Know VTE Modules

- VTE the silent killer
- VTE & Anticoagulation Gap in Egypt & Africa
- Reducing the risk of VTE during pregnancy and the puerperium
- VTE Prophylaxis in Surgery

Know VTE Journey

In each “Know VTE” module, the healthcare practitioner will go through a pre-assessment to evaluate the knowledge of VTE hazards on different patients.
Then, the healthcare practitioner will go through a set of educational activities with different natures, physical workshops, hands-on activities, and virtual lectures
In the end, the healthcare practitioner will have a post-assessment and based on performance, the healthcare practitioner will be awarded a certificate of completion for “Know VTE”

Intellectual Property Rights

“Know VTE” is an initiative adopted by the General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation “GAHAR” and the Egyptian Society of Surgeons “ESS” and all rights are reserved.

About Know VTE

“Know VTE” is a set of guidelines developed to assist healthcare practitioners with their decision regarding patients and healthcare, these guidelines should be used by healthcare practitioners and providers in their clinical judgment for the benefit of patients. “Know VTE” will guide you through a simple educational interactive journey that will help in standardizing most of the decision-making processes in clinical practice.


Who Is “GAHAR”?

General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation “GAHAR” is the body responsible for issuing standards to ensure the provision of health care services in different health facilities in accordance with the highest quality and safety. GAHAR was established under Law No. 2 for the year 2018 pertaining to the Universal Health Insurance system.


What Is the Role of “GAHAR”?

ts role is not limited to evaluating health facilities by specialists with accredited international expertise in the field of health care; it extends to help health establishments develop performance and reduce risk factors. This happens through using the scientific method to manage the risks and detect them before they occur and work to take all necessary measures to prevent them from occurring or repeating them.
The existence of an integrated orientation program for capacity building enables the recipients to improve the performance of the health system to which they belong. This occurs when the available resources are optimized, and the scientific method is used in measurement and follow-up, together ensuring the highest quality and safety in the provision of service.


“GAHAR” Vision and Mission

Excellence for all health system and services.

Ensuring the quality of health services and their continuous improvement, as well as optimizing health service outputs offered to Egyptian citizens; through regulating health services according to specific standards of quality and accreditation, registration of medical facilities and members of the medical profession, and optimizing the Egyptian health sector to ensure its safety, stability, and development.


What Is “Know VTE”?

An educational interactive program designed for healthcare practitioners which helps them to assess their knowledge and awareness of VTE dangers, and helps to develop their knowledge in dealing with different types of patients who are in danger of VTE. The guidelines recommendations were written in the following categories: screening, prophylaxis and management in different settings.


What Is “Know VTE” Objective?

This program aims at improving the awareness and treatment of VTE through the following objectives:

  1. Providing a costumed high quality standardized national guideline to reduce variations in practice
  2. Improving the skills of physicians dealing with VTE patients
  3. Providing a comprehensive guide for dealing with patients with different age groups, co-morbidities…etc.
  4. Providing practical implementation tools for all health care professionals


What Is “Know VTE” Structure?

  • Different modules based on the type of patients
  • Each module consists of a pre-assessment solved by “Know VTE” applicant
  • After each module, the applicant will have some educational activities of different nature “physical, virtual, hybrid”
  • After the applicant finishes all module activities, he has to finish the post-assessment with a certain score to be granted a certificate of completion

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